
Laser Cutting and Shot Blasting

In 1999 we broadened our business by incorporating a custom Laser Cutting Department, upgrading from prevoius 10 years of CNC plasma cutting. With a total of 4 lasers: (1) Fiber Optic laser and (3) 4000 watt lasers including one with a  Rotary Index to laser cut your items from Tubing,  Angles, Formed channels etc., we can provide accurate, repeatable parts. From one to thousands. Our lasers allow us to cut precious metals such as copper, brass and titanium, up to 3/8″ thick aluminum, up to 1/2″ thick stainless steel and up to 1″ thick mild steel and galvanized steel. We can also form your parts if needed and weld them!

In February 2020 Kemlee purchased a 48″ bed Shot Blaster for rust removal to clean parts prior to powder coating and other applications!